What is a Good Credit Score to Get a Mortgage Loan?
Every mortgage lender is different. No magical number will suddenly unlock a home loan, but there are credit score ranges that lenders generally view more favorably than others.
Credit scores are typically viewed this way:
- 800–850: Excellent
- 700–799: Very good
- 680–699: Good
- 620–679: Fair
- 580–619: Poor
- 500–579: Bad
- 499 and lower: Very bad
A higher credit score can lead to a more favorable home loan interest rate. However, it’s important to note that the credit score is just one part of the equation, and other factors such as income and DTI ratio also play a role in home loan qualification.
Each mortgage lender has its own strategy, including the level of risk they find acceptable for a given credit product. So remember that there’s no standard “cut-off score” used by all lenders. Instead, these general ranges can tell them whether a potential borrower has a good or bad credit score or somewhere in the middle.
Don’t forget: When it comes to qualifying for a loan, your credit score is only one part of the equation. A borrower can have a perfect 850 score, but if their income and DTI ratio don’t support the loan amount they’re requesting—say they make $30,000 a year and are looking at homes in the $800,000 range with no other liquid assets—their desired amount can still be denied.
How do you Check Your Credit Score?
You can request a free copy of your credit report once a year from each of the three credit bureaus: TransWestern, Experian, and Equifax. You can contact these bureaus directly or go to Annual Credit Report to get all three.
This is a solid strategy if you’re looking to get a mortgage loan in the next three months. If you have some time and want to improve your credit, you can always request one report from each credit bureau every four months to track your progress.
Once your credit report is in hand, review it for accuracy. Call the credit bureaus if you find any errors or if you have questions about anything in the report.
How do you Improve Your Credit Score?
If you find that your credit needs some work, remember the five factors determining your score and then set about optimizing your credit.
The most effective ways to do this:
- Make payments on time every time.
- Pay credit cards down to 30% or less of their credit limits.
- Limit the number of accounts you apply for at one time.
- Leave established, older accounts open even if they’re paid off.
Keep in mind, too, that you might be able to qualify for a mortgage loan even if your credit score is in the “poor” to “fair” range. That’s because credit is not the only factor considered.
If you have questions about your credit or want to learn more about the homebuying process, contact a Timberland Bank lender in your area.